?? PC "Solidarnost" - Vinica

PC "Solidarnost" - Vinica

st. Plachkovicki Odredi bb Vinica
tel: (033) 363 125;


?Dear users, bills from the current month (last account), can be paid electronically after the 5th of the month"!
09 Sep
E payment

The electronic payment system on our website is already operational. You can safely use both payment methods 1. Fast payment (by entering the invoice number and your e-mail address) 2. By creating a user profile in the E-user menu.

07 Sep
Invoice payment NEWS

PC Solidarity Vinica informed the valued users that you will soon be able to start using the function for electronic payment of utility bills through our WEB party www.jpsolidarnost.mk Using the services will be able to use two ways of electronic payment: 1. Fast payment with (by entering the invoice number and email address). 2. By creating a user profile in the E-user menu.